We have free placemats for all of the letters. Print one to take to dinner at a restaurant or keep your kids entertained while you cook. Can you help the alligator find his way out of the maze?

Q-tip painting is an inexpensive way to keep kids creating art all summer. The clean-up is quick and easy; no need to wash paintbrushes! All you need are a couple of Q-tips, some paint, and a dot printable (we have tons of those for free!). We started by making some grey paint...

Dot painting is great for fine motor skills, and you can also incorporate letter or number lessons...E is for Elephant.


These cutting worksheets are fun for coloring, gluing, and working on scissor skills.  You can glue them on individual pages or combine them to make one big picture. 

We gathered some flower petals and grass from our garden. They made the perfect addition to some flower coloring pages. Coloring can be a fun way to learn about May Day. You can use flower coloring pages to teach children about different types of flowers, plants, and animals associated with spring.

Mother's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to show your love and appreciation for your mom or grandma than by making a personalized card or picture. Choose one of our Mother's Day printables to customize. When decorating your page, pick your mom's favorite colors. Once you're done, you can frame or display your picture on a table or wall.

Arbor Day is April 26th. It's the perfect day to celebrate trees! We found some leaves and a pinecone in our yard. They made a perfect addition to our coloring pages.

How should we create our rainbow?

You can create a rainbow with your child in many relatively simple ways. Here are ten great things that you can create your Springtime rainbow with:

1. Paint – It might seem simple, but sometimes simple is best. You can create a wonderful and bright-colored rainbow with your child using finger paints or paint brushes. The best part about painting is that you can get different colors to decorate various materials. You can paint rainbows on coloring pages, but you can also get puff paints and make rainbow shirts. You can even paint your rainbows on plates or mugs to share with everyone in your family.

Welcome April! We added cotton balls and painted beans to our April Showers coloring page. April coloring pages make a great addition to your weather lesson plans. 

Hop on over to our Easter coloring pages. Today we placed some coloring pages around our yard for an Easter egg hunt.


St. Patrick's Day can be fun and educational. Print some free math worksheets for kids to work on in March. We have math sheets perfect for elementary school kids. St. Patrick's Day printables are also great for a school party. Let's get excited about math!

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